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Inside Scoop: My Nightly Routine

Hey lovelies - how's it going? Its been a little bit!

I have been brainstorming about how often I can (realistically) post on my blog and what I would like to giveaway for all my subscribers. I will keep you guys updated via Instagram about these things (@abigailclifford)

However, based off a recent Instagram poll, y'all wanted a post discussing my nightly routine - so here goes nothing!

I have a pre-bed routine I do every single night consisting of simple beauty and self-care routines.

1. Since I typically shower in the morning, I take any and all makeup/dirt off my face using basic cotton pads and micellar water. I found using micellar water is healthier for my acne than using traditional makeup remover wipes; it is less harsh on my very sensitive skin. I take micellar water and cotton pads with me everywhere I go!

*Not my image*

2. While my face is drying off from using the micellar water, I will brush my teeth and take a q-tip to clean my nose piercing with my saline water. I have to clean my nose piercing every night to ensure I keep the healing process as clean as possible.

3. After that, I will put a thin layer of ~ amazing ~ Curology night cream on my face to help prevent acne. Curology has been a lifesaver for me when it comes to my cystic acne - its been the first successful, non-complication path for me!

4. I have daily allergic outbreaks that consist of hot, itchy rashes on my hands/arms/legs/feet, so I have to take two allergy pills: one in the morning and one at night. So after the first three steps, I will take my pill with some water. I will also sometimes use an oatmeal-based cream to help calm my trouble areas to prevent any reactions while I am sleeping.

5. Recently, I have been using hemp oil to help me promote better digestion and sleep quality. So at night, I will take 1 ml (30 drops) of hemp oil under or on the tongue. I am still getting used to the minty-nutty taste of the oil, but I am a huge fan of it thus far!

Instagram (@abigailclifford)

6. The last step of my routine at night is to use drop some lavender essential oils on my wrists before heading to bed. Using some lavender before going to bed really helps me feel relaxed and sleepy. I have been doing this since summer of 2018 and I highly recommend it!

My nightly routine is fairly simple even though there are various things I like to get done. This routine is so set in stone that it's really hard for me to break it or venture into a different routine.

I hope this was interesting and gave you some insight into my lifestyle.

Until next time,


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